
Childrens Entertainment

Image & copy via NOTCOT.

Some people have ABC Blocks for kids… not Fred. Fred of course has XYZ Blocks… wooden and covered with illustrations by Christian Northeast… with everything from waffles and graffiti to trailers and vinyl to corn dogs and heroes to quicksand and jackalopes… what kid (or creative desk space) doesn’t need these?!?!?!

Image + Copy via Welcome Home.

Millergoodman’s classic blocks set the ShapeMaker is great. Hours of fun and not just for kids!

“Winner of a gold award at the 2009 Practical Pre-School awards.
ShapeMaker is a set of 25 colourful, geometric design, hand printed, beautifully crafted, environmentally friendly hardwood blocks made of rubber wood – a replenishable wood. The blocks can be excitingly arranged to create a menagerie of thousands of surprising creatures and tons of sparkling, imaginative, engaging images that guarantee to delight children from 3 yrs and upwards. The blocks perfectly illustrate millergoodman’s commitment to combine function with the highest design principles, producing beautiful, sensitive New Classics in the children’s market. Includes design suggestions.”

Purchase here.